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There should be a semi translucant white plastic tank inside the engine compartment mounted on either the left or right side. This is your overflow tank, its purpose is for coolant to expand and flow out of your radiator when it heats up. The tank prevents the coolant from pouring onto the road which would force you to add more coolant as the engine cools again (since cold coolant will take up less volume than hot coolant). There is a 'hot' and 'cold' mark (or 'full' and 'add') on the side of this plastic tank. Make sure your engine is cold before checking the coolant level. To fill the tank (if it is at or below the 'add' mark) pop off the black cap on the tank and pour in the properly mixed (50/50 is a good rule of thumb) coolant to the full mark. Close cap and you are set. However, if the tank is empty it is likely that your radiator is low on coolant as well, and if you don't want to overheat and potentially seize your engine you will want to add coolant directly to the radiator. To do this make sure the engine is cold (as if it is hot, you will end up with scalding coolant spraying you, very bad...) then press and hold down while twisting to the left, the radiator cap. The radiator is the big black rectangle with funny looking metal fins throughout the middle at the very front of your car. If you don't know much about rigs, I don't recommend running the engine while you do this. If you do, I like to run the engine with the cap off and pull the throttle cable to force the coolant to go lower while filling it.

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Q: How do you Put antifreeze into car?
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When do you put antifreeze in your car?

All the time

Where is the antifreeze located on your car?

the antifreeze runs through all your water lines in your car . . . . you put it in your water tank or radiator

What fluid do you put into car engine radiators?

antifreeze antifreeze a fifty fifty micture of water and antifrez is best

Where should you put antifreeze in a car?

In the coolant reservoir when the engine is cool.

What happens if you put the wrong colour antifreeze in your car?

Nothing Nothing

Why so people put antifreeze in car radiators?

antifreeze keeps your car from overheating, it flows thru your radiator hose, without it your motor would blow

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Can you put window washer fluid in your antifreeze tank?

Not if you want to keep driving the car!

When you change the water pump on your car do you need to put antifreeze in before you start the car?

some people have said you should and others have said you dont have to. I myself have never put antifreeze in the during installation in all the years i have worked on cars

What amount of Antifreeze should be mixed with water to put in car?

50 / 50 mixture of antifreeze and preferably distilled water usually ( Ford says not to have less than 40 % antifreeze and not more than 60 % antifreeze )

Does a car need antifreeze to turn on?

no but if in the winter you do not put in the car the engine will freeze you can also use water during the summer No!

If you put too much antifreeze in car engine will it affect the incar heaters?

You can run up to 75 percent antifreeze without any trouble. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Actually , Ford states not to exceed ( 60 % antifreeze )