Replace the camshaft sensor
Keep cranking it.
Code 11 means no camshaft position sensor signal detected during engine cranking. Fix : Replace the Camshaft sensor
What is the engine doing? Does it crank over? Does click?
You need to have it checked for codes. If you fix the cause of the codes the light will stay off.
It is normal for a carburetor to "suck air" when you are starting the engine or while the engine is running. You should stop the engine before repairing the carburetor for safety reasons.
You fix it
The cause of white puffing smoke in a diesel is the crack pipe ventilator seal. Fix that it keeps the crack inside.
check fuse for cooling fan, or possibly temperature sensor at inlet.
Here is a video on how to fix engine code p0449
I suggest you take your car to the dealer and they might be able to fix the problem.
Replace them! There is no quick fix for a mechanical issue. There is nothing that you can pour into the engine. There are no slip chuck ways of doing it. Do it the correct way, it is cheaper in the long run.