On my 1990 Buick Regal, I need an 18mm wrench , a 10mm wrench, screwdriver, jack, and a can of brake cleaner
how do you know it dings when no one is around.
in the fuse box
Look at the bottom or rear of the radiator
Could be a bad thermostat or heater core
It's computer controlled. No timing adjustments are possible.
Isn't a heater supposed to blow warm air?
Disconnect the 1990 Regal battery. Remove the alternator belt. Unhook the wiring from the alternator then unbolt it. Remove and replace the alternator then reconnect the wiring, belt, and reconnect the battery to finish the installation.
I believe that one is under the car near the gas tank.
Hey Arlene==Look under the dash on the drivers side of the steering column. GoodluckJoe
no the lug patern is diffrent
could need a tune up or the catillac converter could b stopped up