If the motors for the dials are out, the best bet is to take this in to a firm that rebuilds speedometers. If it's the lights, you'll have to decide if you want to go through the hassle of pulling the needles off the cluster to access them and they're soldered in. I did with my '04 Vous and I got 12 12V lights from radio shack for $20 and did it in an afternoon.
Figure out what tripped the code and fix the problem
I just did it on 2003 buick rendezvous,i bought a can of fix leak,oil,freon all in one from advance and hooked it up to the lower a/c port and charged it to about 35 psi and the air blows like new.
They can't be fixed. You have to change the radio. The climate control is the same way, You have to change the unit to get the light working.
Wandering fuel gauge on a 2003 regal
Take it to the dealer crushed metal gasket or something Replaced w rubber and a boot and rocks up in the awd driveshaft. Cost me $300
Depends on what is wrong with them. First thing to do is check the fuses.
buy a junkyard cluster or take your cluster apart and move them free.....
You can't fix the BCM you have to replace it, then it needs to be programed and the anti-theft needs to be reprogramed also. Most places won't be able to do this, you'll have to take it to a dealer.
go to flickr, I have several pictures on how to fix.
It depends on what is broken. Mine has a seized compressor. There are a few places that sell a replacement. I just have not spent the money to fix it. They're about $200 mail order.Many times, the ALC stops working because the switch attached to the Left Rear suspension stops working. The switch is fairly inexpensive