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Call a plumber or a contractor. Sometimes it would be too much money to fix or too much problem. If you do decide to buy the house, see if they will fix the problem or take some money off of the price, and with the money saved you can fix it:)

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Q: How can you find out the cause and the difficulty and expense of fixing a leak in an upstairs shower?
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Why does a ground level kitchen sink back up when the upstairs shower is turned on?

There is a clog between the sink and the line to the street or septic tank. The sink is the easier path for the upstairs shower.

Why does downstairs shower drip but ONLY when the upstairs shower is used?

the pies are connected so when you turn on the shower the vaulve in the pipe going to the other shower might not be all the way closed thus causing it to leak

Why does your upstairs toilet and drains gurgle and back up when your down stairs shower and toilet work just fine?

The drain is plugged somewhat between the upstairs and downstairs. Need to snake the drains.

What kind of drainage do you need for a downstairs shower?

Same as upstairs BUT LESS drainage piping BUT more vent piping.

What could cause hot water in an upstairs bathtub to trickle but cold water run fine?

Bad shower valve.

What do you do after you set the bowl of milk down in 24 carrot in poptropica?

you go upstairs and turn on the shower and chase the cat to the milk

What is the cause of downstairs shower and floor draining backing up?

The main drain is plugged. Not completely, but enough that it is easier for the upstairs water to come out in the shower and floor drain instead of going out the drain.

What would cause the upstairs bathrooms to leak downstairs?

Gravity. Also- If someone takes a shower with the curtain on the outside of the tub this can happen.

Where online can I find a guide for fixing the plumbing of a shower?

You can find a repair guide for the plumbing of a shower on the following site: It is a very helpful resource.

Where does upstairs sink water and shower water drain to?

There is a main drain that runs from the basement through the roof where it is the vent for the system. If you look at the layout of the house, the upstairs bath is most likely over the downstairs one or the kitchen. If you look on the roof, you will see a 4 inch pipe coming through the roof that should be over the upstairs bath. The sink and shower drain into that and then to the basement and out of the house. Most likely the main stack is in the wall behind the toilet.

How do you fix an upstairs bathroom shower leak and should a professional do it?

You should let a professional do that, incase there is more damage that you can not see that the water has done.

Why would cold water run up through a shower pan even though there is no drain blockage?

Do you have an upstairs tenant or the sewer is backing up.