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White light is made up of all the colours in the spectrum. This can be proved by passing a ray of white light through a prism. As the light passes through the prism it will be split into the colours of the rainbow. Making a rainbow is one way of changing the colour of white lite.

Another way is to filter the light - if you shine white light through a red filter then only the red bit of the white light will pass through, turning the light beam into a red beam.

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Q: How can you change the color of white light?
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A prism does not actually change the color of light. Instead, it separates white light into its component colors through a process called dispersion. This dispersion is due to the different wavelengths of each color of light, causing them to refract at different angles when passing through the prism.

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White light minus magenta light would appear cyan in color. Cyan is the complementary color to magenta, so when magenta light is subtracted from white light, the remaining color is cyan.

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There is no color that is not included in the composition of white light.

Is the color white a color?

No it's a shade. White is not considered a color. White is smply nothingthiness with the presence of light. Black is without the presence of light.

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It is because light has no color and it simply takes the white color from the moon when it is reflected on it.

What color of light must be combined with green light to obtain white light?

White light is a combination of all colors of light. To obtain white light when combining with green light, you'll need to combine red and blue light as well, as red, green, and blue are the primary colors of light.

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The color of white is white; or if you want to look at the optics of light, white is an even mix of all colors

Why does the color of AGCL change?

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White light minus yellow light appears as a bluish color, due to the absence of yellow light in the spectrum. This phenomenon is known as color subtraction or color mixture.