Yes. They are used in wheels and...stuff....
Part of the reason is because the designer is not looking for an "appealing" look with an airplane tire. You won't see designer wheels either. The primary reason is that an airplanes wheels are just big enough to get the job done. You have to consider size when you retract them into the airplanes body and also size and weight are primary considerations on anything when building an airplane.
Yes they do because when your on the runway and the first wheels go out then the pilot pulls a lever that pulls out the second pair of wheels.
Hydro airplanes are airplanes that can land on water. They have floaties in place of wheels. They are almost always propeller powered as jets could cause too much wake.
big wheels because they are good for handling
How big is the hangar, how small are the airplanes.
Big wheels of course. They will protect you better from falls over potholes
Airplanes have wheels to help with takeoff and landing. The wheels provide support and stability during ground operations, such as taxiing on runways and moving on the ground. Additionally, wheels allow airplanes to be easily maneuvered on the ground and parked at the airport.
Big Wheels in the Moonlight was created in 1988-09.
There are no paved runways in Antarctica. Airplanes land on skis, not wheels, on runways of ice.
They put one of the wheels in drive, and the other stays put so it turns.
Military airplanes with big, powerful jet engines and lots of things that go boom!