Henry Ford built his first car, the Quadricycle in 1896.
henry ford's first car was called the model A
Henry Ford built a car, the first running car.
The first car Henry Ford built was called the Quadricycle built in 1896.
Karl Benz made a car, but not to long before Henry Ford did...Henry Ford's first car was the Quadricycle.
Henry Ford invented the first car, as well as Ford Motor Company. The first model car he invented was the T-model car. This was the first mass-produced car in the world.
Karl Benz built the first car. Henry Ford built the first assembly line to build a car on.
Henry Ford's first car the "Quadricycle" that he built in 1896 ran on gasoline.
Henry Ford invented his first car, the "Quadricycle" in 1896. Production of Ford vehicles started in 1904, and the first car to be mass produced was the Model A.
Henry Ford "Ford Model A"
A Ford invented by Henry Ford