Blower motor fuse is blown. Blower motor resistor burned out. Blower motor switch bad. Blower motor bad.
not really
blower motor bad or no power to it chech fuses blower switch blower motor
Normally when a heater blower motor only works on the High setting, it is caused by a defective Blower Motor Resistor Pack. The fix is to, Replace it. In very rare instances it can also be a defective blower motor speed control switch, but rarely.
The blower resistor assembly is located on the heater case to the right of the bloser motor. - Haynes Repair Manual #36071, 1993-2005 Ford Ranger Pick-ups
OK, did the blower motor actually just stop, or does it still blow but no heat?
how do i replace a front heater core, back heater core, and a heater motor in a 2001 Chrysler town and country? need a detailed description.
Will anything happen to the motor if timing belt breaks on a 2001 ford ranger
It is bolted under dash on passenger side.
where is the blower motor resistor located on a ford e250 2001
I have changed resistor a d blower motor still not working, maybe i missed a fuse or could the control switch not work?
Inside cab, passenger side, under dash.