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possibly the fuse for brake lights......also could be brake light switch----turn signal switch----broken wiring anywhere in the vehicle---relay not working ---any other item specific to your venicle.

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Q: Hazard lights and brake lights don't work but the turn signals do?
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I am having the same trouble. My brake lights work with the light switch for nighttime driving, but only far right brake light works when i pres brake pedal. Reverse lights dont work at all. Turn signals and hazard light work.

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It looks like the brake lights / turn signals have one of the fuses in common : In the fuse panel located under and to the left of the steering wheel , by the brake pedal , FUSE # 13 - 20 amp - for STOP LAMP SWITCH ( LAMPS ) , TURN / HAZARD FLASHER , and speed control module

1997 suburban Brake lights and turn signals work but tail lights dont what do I do?

Brake lights and turn signals are on a separate circuit from the tail lights. Tail lights are on the same circuit with the dashboard lights. If the dashboard lights aren't working either, check the fuse. If they ARE working, check the headlight switch.

Your brake blinker and hazard lights dont work you changed the fuse in the fuse box you changed the brake light bulbs and you changed the the oob switch on the brake pedal what could it be?

Have an electrician check the wiring that goes to the brake lights in the trunk of the car.

My park lights and turn signals work but your brake kights dont why is this?

it could be that your brake light switch under your dash that sits right on top of your brake pedal has gone out

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turn signals work butt the brake lights dont can anyone help please? cant afford a mechanic.

Hazard lights dont work on 96 integra?

Well if your turn signals still work its not a short. I just fixed a pinched wire on my 96 and now my turn signals dont work. But according to a buddy of mine on there is a chance the fuse for the hazards is blown.

You have a problem with the hazard lights on your 1984 Ford F-350 when you turn on the hazard lights and apply the brakes the hazard lights stop blinking when brakes are released they resume binking?

get the whole care re wired also dont turn on your hazard lights!!!

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Why dont the brake lights or the turn signals in back of 1987 buick riviera work The turn signals in front do work?

I had the same problem with my 87 Riv. It was a burnt out bulb in the rear of the car. My front signals did work and as they run on different circuits, check and replace the bulbs. Access to the back lights are inside the trunk back.