other than sluggish stearing driving with the belt off of your motor won't hurt anything as the water pump is run off the timing belt(different belt hidden behind that black plastic)
Take out the fuse? Will it hurt the power steering if you do this...I don't know... I hate the EPS and am thinking of running without it if it doesn't hurt anything..
have the oil changed as soon as possible to avoid possible damage to the motor. A small amount of power steering fluid in the oil for a short period of time probably won't hurt anything.
Brake fluid in the oil won't be much of a problem. It probably won't hurt anything, but to be on the safe side, just change the oil. In the power steering pump it will be harder to get out. You'll have to disconnect the high pressure line and let it pump out, then re-fill it with power steering fluid.
Yes it could. If you put power steering fluid in the transmission you need to change the transmission fluid.
My guess is that you have a tired power steering pump. Try a power steering fluid flush first, it wouldn't hurt.
yes because it be slipping
YES. your power steering pump is a hydraulic pump that pushes fluid through lines to make your wheels move. hydraulic fluid such as ATF or POWER STEERING FLUID is good for your power steering pump. it is a PUMP after all. OIL has the purpose of lubricating, and has very different qualities than hydraulic fluid. DO NOT put OIL in your power steering pump... put POWER STEERING FLUID or if you can't get power steering fluid AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLUID will do...
For a short time, No. It will just make steering a little more difficult. It will probably never actually hurt the car but could eventually cause damage to the power steering pump on some cars.
It can be necessary, especially if there has been a problem anywhere in the hydraulic system. If there have been no problems, flushing the system isn't necessary, but it won't hurt anything, and it will give your dealership a little more money.
Believe it or not THAT ENTIRE BRACKET HAS TO COME OFF>!!!!!!ORRR you can cut the little tab that covers the corner of the pump with a hacksaw and don't tell anyone ya did it. It won.t hurt anything.
Each is designed for its own place in the vehicle. I would definitely avoid putting any power steering fluid in the crankcase. I would also avoid putting motor oil in the power steering. Power steering fluid is generally thinner than motor oil and would not be an advisable alternative to put in the crankcase. Now motor oil is thicker and can potentially damage components in the power steering with prolonged use. The detergents in motor oil may cause different issues with seals in the power steering, including leaks. On older vehicles the power steering generally called for automatic transmission fluid, but using power steering fluid in its place shouldn't hurt and may actually help.
Yes; drain it completely and change the fluid. Fluid is cheaper than a rack.