The 2009 Ford Escape has 16 valves.
Blocked thermostat. Cooling system performance.
The 2009 Ford Escape is a gas-powered vehicle.
The 2009 Ford Escape has an inline 4 engine.
The 2009 Ford Escape has a 5-speed manual.
The 2009 Ford Escape has a 19.4 degrees angle of approach.
The height of the 2009 Ford Escape is 5 ft. 7.9 in. (67.9 in.).
The curb weight of the 2009 Ford Escape is 3299 lbs..
The 2009 Ford Escape has double overhead cam (DOHC).
The 2009 Ford Escape is 14 ft. 6.7 in. (174.7 in.) long.
The 2009 Ford Escape's turning circle is 36.7 ft..
The 2009 Ford Escape has a 28.3 degrees angle of departure.