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No the 2001 Crown Vic does not have a aluminum intake , it has a composite plastic intake. as did all 96 to 01 Crown Vics. Starting in 02 Ford started using a different type of plastic intake with a aluminum front water crossover due to a class action lawsuit.

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Q: Does the 2001 crown Victoria have an aluminun intake manifold?
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you need manifold vacuum for the brake booster.. (intake manifold)

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The intake manifold is an air intake. There isn't something that you refer to as a fuel intake. Fuel is introduced to the cylinders directly at the intake valves by the fuel injectors.

What is the water hose under the intake manifold called on a 1993 ford crown Victoria?

On a 4.6L engine, I have never seen a water hose under the intake. Anybody else?

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Heater Core Return Hose. Stick to the factory one.

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There was one main safety concern of the Ford Crown Victoria sedan. The main safety concern of the Ford Crown Victoria sedan was the fuel tank sometimes were to leak. Another safety concern was the intake manifold defect which was also a leak.

Where do you find the idle air control valve on a 2001 Ford Crown Victoria?

its on the back side of the thottle body on top of the intake manifold. There are some good pictures showing the location and instructions for repair/replacement at specifcally for the Crown Victoria.

Where is your thermostat at on your car 1988 crown Victoria LTD 5.0L engine?

On your 1988 FordLTD Crown Victoria , 5.0 Follow the TOP radiator hose from the radiator to the front of the engine The engine cooling thermostat is in the front of the intake manifold where the radiator hose connects

Where is the thermostat located in a 1991 crown Victoria ltd?

In a 1991 Ford LTD Crown Victoria ( 5.0 / 302 and 5.8 / 351 ) Follow the top radiator hose from the radiator , it connects to a housing on the front of the intake manifold . The engine cooling thermostat is inside the housing