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Q: Does color of the car affect the cost of insurance?
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Does the color of a car affect the cost of insurance?

No, the color of a car does not affect the cost of insurance.

Is insurance higher on a red car?

No. The color of the car has absolutely nothing to do with the cost of the insurance.

How do car insurance groups affect the cost of your insurance?

Insurance groups negoitiate for lower prices for the members of the group. Therefore if you are a part of the group it will decrease the cost of your insurance.

What are types of general car insurance cost?

General car insurance costs vary a great deal. The cost of car insurance depends on many factors. The type of car you are insuring as well as your driving record have a great impact on your car. The deductibles on your policy also affect the cost.

How do car driving convictions affect the cost of your insurance?

Car driving convictions affect the cost of one's insurance in the following way: the more conviction one has, the higher the price is for insurance, since one is more likely to make an accident again.

How much a month would it cost for car insurance on a Honda element?

To answer that, will need to know in what geographical area, the age and driving record of the primary driver, and the year of the car. All of these will affect the cost of insurance.

Do parking tickets affect your car insurance?

No, parking tickets do NOT affect your car insurance rate.

How much does AIS car insurance cost?

How much AIS car insurance costs, depends on the individual. The age and gender of the driver, one's driving record, and how often one uses one's car all affect the cost of one's premiums.

What color car will cost most on your insurance?

Black. I recommend you this site where you can compare quotes from different companies:

Does having a sports car increase your insurance?

The color of the car has nothing to do with how much your auto insurance costs, but it being a sports car does increase the cost. Other factors that may affect the cost of your auto insurance are age, male or female (if under 30), married or single, driving record, and distance to and from work, to name a few.

What is the average cost of car insurance in the world?

The average cost of car insurance in the world is difficult to find due to inflation and currency exchange. However the average cost of car insurance in 2010 in the USA was $791 and in 2012 the average cost of car insurance in the United Kingdom hit 971 euros.

Does your car insurance raise if you have a red car?

No, insurance does not go up by the color of your car. I've talked to an insurance agent in person about it.