

Best Answer

yes replace the sender before anything else

it is the cheapest place to star looking for the problem

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Q: Does a faulty oil pressure switch cause a low oil reading?
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Can a faulty water pressure gauge cause high water bills?

Normally it causes a lower reading then higher

Will a bad oil pressure switch cause high oil pressure in a 91 jeep warngler?

It could cause a high reading on the gauge.

Would a faulty oil pressure switch stop the car from starting Renault clio alize?

Yes. However, the oil pressure switch may be accurate, in which case you have low oil pressure in the engine which can be caused by a faulty oil pump or clogged oil pump screen. Low oil pressure can cause serious damage to the engine. The oil pressure switch is shutting the engine down to prevent any damage. The best thing to do is take the car to a mechanic.

Is an oil gauge supposed to go up when you accelerate and back down at idle?

Found out this can be cause by a faulty oil pressure switch best known as oil pressure sending unit

What would cause your dishwasher not ot drain if the hose are all clean?

A faulty pump, a faulty switch, a faulty release valve on the drain pipe.

Can a faulty oil pressure switch cause the vehicle to not start?

No, not unless the vehicle is designed to shut off when the oil pressure falls below a certain level. Replace the oil pressure sending unit to find out.

Will a faulty fuel rail pressure sensor regulater cause stalling?

A fuel rail pressure regulator could cause trouble.

Could a faulty ignition switch cause a radio to lose presets?

Indirectly, yes.

What could be the cause of a warning chime on a 1996 Dodge Neon if it is NOT the lights or Keys in the ignition or if all doors are properly closed?

most likely is a faulty chime switch,or a faulty ignition switch

Can a faulty gas cap cause an EVAP pressure trouble code?

Not likely.

Can the ignition switch cause your engine not to fire?

Yes, sometimes a faulty ignition switch can cause the engine to not fire. Also, a bad spark park can the engine to not fire.

Can a faulty check valve cause my well pump to turn on frequently even though no water is running?

Yes. The well pump turns on when the pressure in the accumulator tank falls to a low enough pressure to actuate the switch. If the pump check valve is leaking, the pressure is being bled back through the pump until the switch trips and the pump turns on. Other leaks in the system that allow the pressure to bleed down can also cause this.