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yes its deisel

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Q: Does a diesel engine require special oil?
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What happens if you use gasoline oil in a diesel engine?

There is not a whole lot of difference if you are using the oil in an older diesel engine. The diesel oil of today has special additives to combat the soot buildup in the oil from the EGR. The diesel oil will get dirty a lot sooner on the late model engines. A 15w40 for a gas engine can be used in a diesel.

Can you use gas engine oil in a diesel engine?

No you can not use gas engine oil in diesel engine oil because processing of diesel engine is different from gas engine oil. If you use this then it damage your vehicles.

Can you use diesel oil in gasoline engine?

NO, do not use diesel oil and a gasoline engine.

Why oil gauge is needed in a diesel engine?

Oil is just as important to a diesel engine as it is to a petrol engine

What is diesel oil?

"Diesel oil" or "Heavy oil" is another term for diesel fuel. Not to be confused with "engine oil for a diesel engine" which means lubricating oil specially formulated for use in diesel rather than petrol engines.

How many liters of engine oil does a Mitsubishi 4D56 diesel engine should have?

5 liters of diesel engine oil.

What engine oil do you need for a 306 diesel?

any diesel oil will be fine

How many quarts of oil does a 92 f350 7.3 liter engine require when changing oil?

9.8 quarts with filter change on the 7.3L Ford Diesel.

What is the difference between a diesel generator oil and a diesel engine oil?

What are we actually asking here? Lubricating oil? The generator should come with a note as to what lubricating oil it uses, and different diesel engines in cars and lorries require different grades of oil. Or are we asking about fuel? Generators can be run off Red or Agricultural diesel as there is no Road Fuel Duty to pay.

Is Diesel engine oil bad for a petrol car?

Yes, never put oil formulated for a diesel in a gasoline engine.

What chemical can you mix with diesel for diesel engine?

apparently cooking oil with diesel

Can number 4 fuel oil be used in a diesel engine?

No #4 diesel fuel oil is for oil burners and will not ignite in a diesel egine