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In the trunk , drivers side , behind cover - there is an access hole to reset the switch

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Q: Does a 96 Thunderbird have fuel switch where is it?
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Does my 96 ford thunderbird have a fuel reset button?

Yes , the fuel pump inertia switch ( shut off switch ) is in the left side of the trunk , behind the trunk liner ( there is an access hole )

Where is fuel pump on 96 Thunderbird?

AnswerThe fuel pump is located inside the fuel tank.

How can you locate an electric safety switch on a Ford Thunderbird?

For what, the fuel pump? The trunk then.

Why does it smell like gas inside your 96 thunderbird?

Vaporized fuel is entering the cabin of the vehicle.

Where is the fuel relay sensor for 1994 Ford Thunderbird LX located?

if you mean the fuel cut off switch, its in the trunk.

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There is not one.

Where is the fuel pump reset switch on a 96 neon sohc?

The 96 Neon sohc does not have a pump reset switch. Some vehicles do have a reset switch for safety in an accident.

96 Thunderbird getting spark and fuel but won't start. why?

If a 1996 Thunderbird is getting spark and fuel, but won't start, there could be a problem with the computer itself. There is also a possibility that the electronic part that replaced the condenser is bad inside the coil pack.

How do you get to the emergency flasher switch on a 96 Thunderbird?

Look between the steering wheel and the clear plastic window for the gauges. There is a button on the steering column.

Where fuel pump shutoff relay 1984 Ford Thunderbird?

There is a fuel pump relay and there is an enertia switch that is the fuel shut off. The enertia switch on my 95 is in the trunck on firewall behind carpet (left side). I have not yet found my fuel pump relay.

Where is the governor in a 96 thunderbird?

The Powertrain Control Module would start cutting back on the fuel at a certain RPM in order to protect the engine

How do you know when the fuel pump intitia switch is bad on a 96 Ford Aspire?

Use a jumper across the inertia switch if the fuel pump comes on-its defective