It could if it was built for the Canadian market. If built for the USA, no.
You should be able to pull the fuse for the daytime running lights to disable them. Probably located in the fuse panel under the hood. There should be a picture on the inside of the lid which tells you which fuse is which.
well 1st off, you need to look @ the info. sicker on the side of your driver side door. it has the weight of the van tire size and all of that jazz. at bottom sticker it will say what country your caravan was made in. if your dodge caravan was made in the good ol US of A then your out of luck. if it says your caravan was made in CANADA then you might be in luck. take your Canadian made caravan to your local dodge - jeep - or Chrysler dealer and for a reasonable fee that should tell you if your day time running lights can be activated or not. im a HUGE FAN of day time running lights my self and im looking @ purchessing a 2007 grand caravan SXT and it will be equipped with factory daytime running lights or i won't buy it! starting 1990 Canada requires by law that all Canadian cars manufactors equip their cars with daytime running lights. I think its HIGH TIME THE USA DID THE SAME! good luck 2 u. ;-)
Normally only ones built for sale in Canada have DRL.
I am having the same problem with a 1994 model. The high beam indicator is also on. I believe it is related to the daytime running lights because when I turn on the headlights the lights get brighter. As I understand it daytime running lights are the highbeams at about 50% power. I need to find where that relay is and test/replace it. wish me luck...
That's the "Daytime Running Lights". Typically, the car runs the headlights at low power anytime you've shifted out of park. There are people who love them, and others who hate them.
You need to replace the daytime running lights control module
Inner fender, drivers side.
Hook your ingition power wire from the ingition harness to your head light switch (useally Green in color on GM) and it will solve your problem
Some suggested Dodge Caravan accessories are splash guards, a running board, a cargo liner, and fog lights. You can find Dodge Caravan accessories on websites like Mopar and AutoAnything.
Should be located just above the left wheel well
I have an 02 Grand Caravan Sport. The owners manual states that Daytime Running Lights are only on Canada vehicles. A DOT site I found indicates this option is available on "Fleet Vehicles" which I belive mine was. A bit of ambuguity. At any rate, I do not yet know the answer but if you or anyone has found out, I'd love to defeat mine. I'm not a fan of DTRL's. Thanks.