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i dont know, why dont you go find out yourself you lazy piece of crap ^hahaahaha!!!!

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Q: Does a 1994 Chevrolet Blazer have 4 wheel drive?
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What are the biggest tires that will fit a 1994 two wheel drive Chevrolet S10 pickup?

Till they rub

1994 Chevrolet c2500 4x4 pickup and when ever you put it in 4 wheel drive it blows a fuse any ideas?

the 4 wheel drive shift position sensor is shorted out

Why does my 1994 Chevy s10 blazer shift into 4 wheel drive low but not into 4 wheel drive high?

four wheel drive actuator less then $50 online at the four wheel drive actuator is basically an electronic hub locking system. replacing this part should fix 'er up! p.s. i have a '94 s10 blazer vortec v6 same problem and it worked!

Where is the shift solenoid on my 1994 blazer 4x4 4.3L vortec?

The shift solenoid on your 1994 Chevrolet Blazer, is located on the top of the transmission. The solenoid will be labeled.

Where is the radiator on a 1994 Chevrolet Blazer?

In front of the engine behind the a/c condensor

How much horsepower does a v8 engine in a 1994 Chevy 4 wheel drive pickup have in it?

A 1994 Chevrolet 1500 K series with the 5.0 V-8, 175 HP.

Why wont my 1994 Chevrolet z 71 shift into 4 wheel drive?

more than likely it is a bad actuator in the front end

Where is the brake light switch located on a 1994 Chevrolet S10 Blazer?

It is located under the drive side dash. The brake pedal mechanism presses against the switch when you press on.

Is a 1994 mercury cougar front wheel drive?

No , a 1994 Mercury Cougar is rear wheel drive

Why wont your 1994 Chevrolet s10 blazer shift into 1st or 4th gear?

A bad solenoid is likely the reason why your 1994 Chevrolet S10 Blazer won't shift into 1st or 4th gear. Getting it replaced should fix the issue.

Is a 1994 Ford Mustang rear wheel drive?

Yes , a 1994 Ford Mustang is rear wheel drive

Why does the 4 wheel drive lights blink on 1994 Chevy blazer?

First thing I would do is to trie puting it into drive or reverse to maybe it will kick in. If that doesnt work. You might have a bad 4 wheel drive selecter. Its a little black box on the side of the transfer case.