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Q: Does Mark smell
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Why does mark smell?

Lol cause he doesnt wash :D

Why has your dog started marking his territory in your house?

If you have another dog he will try to mark his or her before the other, it you house is dusty it smells like outside dirt and they smell it and they mark as close as they can by were they smell it

Why do horses smell other horses poo?

Its kind of like a mark of territory

Getting an exhaust smell in the car of 1994 Lincoln mark viii?

Don't know exactly what you mean, if the rotten egg smell probably cat. convertors fuel smell probably ox. sensors. Does it still idle and run smooth?

Does a leopard get attracted to human blood or flesh?

yes actually the predator are sensitive to blood smell because the blood smell is the land mark of the injured animal and a easy to use prey.

What is the importance of smell of urine?

In the animal kingdom many animals mark their territories with urine. Other similar animals can smell it, and even recognise the owner of it, and know that the territory has been taken.

How do you say you smell in bosnian?

To say you just smell in general, you'd say, "ti mirišeš." If you want to say , "you smell bad." you'd say, "ti mirišeš loše" Then, if you want to say, "you smell good." you'd say. "ti mirišeš dobro." The "š" is has an accent mark over it. And it's pronounced like, "Sh"

How many miles can a lion smell?

Yes, lions can smell very well. They mark their territories by scent deposits.

Why do cats have better smelling than us?

They have more smell chambers in their nose than we do. It helps them to hunt for food and mark their territory,

Why does your cat like to roll around in your bra if you leave it laying on the bed after you have worn it all day?

Your bra smells like you, and by rolling on it the cat can "mark" the "person smell" with the cat's own smell. In essence, the cat is claiming you as his.

How do animals recognize a mate?

Smell is one of the primary ways. Lions in a pride can tell through smell that a kitten isn't theirs. Animals mark turf using urine another means of identity for animals.

With rats do bucks or does smell worse?

Adult bucks and does leave drops of pee everywhere to advertise their sexual availability Adult bucks, especially socially dominant ones, mark the most. does mark less than males. so that is why the smell worse. i have 2 bucks but as long u clean them out they are fine!!!!! i love my 2 boys Xxx