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Yes. You would have to pay what your comprehensive deductible is.

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Q: Do you have to pay a deductible if your car is stolen?
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Do you have to pay the deductible if you hit another car?

If your policy contains a Deductible clause then yes you will have to pay your deductible.

Does your auto insurance deductible cover your car and the car that you hit in an accident?

You do not pay a deductible for the car that you hit. Your liability coverage does not have a deductible.

If your car was hit while parked do you have to pay the deductible for the repair?

This would be dependent on the insurance you have. If you know who hit your car and have all of the pertinent information, you probably should not have to pay the deductible. If you don't know who hit your car, and your state and/or you do not have waiver of deductible insurance, then you would have to pay the deductible.

Does Baltimore city pay insurance deductible for stolen cars involved in accidents?

No. The insured is responsible for paying their own deductible.

Does a insurance company have to pay for your stolen car if you have full coverage ins?

If by Full Coverage, you mean you also purchased Physical Damage, aka damage or loss of your vehicle and the car was confirmed stolen, preferrably via police report, the company will typically pay Actual Cash Value for your car, less your deductible.

What is the difference between deductible and premium?

The premium is what you pay for the policy. The deductible is what the insurance company will not pay for what is covered. For example you buy a car policy for collision. You pay the premium of $50. If you crash the car, the company will not pay any thing less than the deductible. If the deductible was $1000 and you sustained $1500 damage, the company would pay you $500. If the damage was less than the deductible, you get nothing.

Will Homeowner's Insurance Policy cover something stolen out of a car?

It can. Depends on the item & your deductible.

If someone hits your parked car do you have to pay your deductible?


Do you have to pay deductible if car is totaled and Your at fault?


Will home insurance pay for car keys stolen?

No, even if it did, it would be less than you deductible anyway. Car keys cost about 7 dollars to replace by a brand car dealer. all you have to do is give the dealer your vin number.

If you get into an accident and the other driver is at fault and your car is totaled of course his insurance will pay but if they pay the deductible who gets it?

There is no deductible for liability claims.