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Yes , most of the time

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Q: Do objects placed in water displace the water?
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Do heavy objects float?

Heavy objects generally sink when placed in water because the density of the object is greater than that of water, causing it to displace less water and sink. For an object to float, it must displace an amount of water equal to its own weight.

Why do objects sink when placed in water?

Objects sink in water when their density is greater than the density of water. This means that the weight of the object is greater than the buoyant force exerted by the water, causing it to displace water as it sinks.

Do objects of the same volume displace the same amount of water?

Yes, objects of the same volume will displace the same amount of water regardless of their shape or material. This is because the volume of water displaced is determined by the volume of the object that is submerged in the water. This principle is known as Archimedes' principle.

When objects float they displace an amount of water equal to their?

equal to their weight

An object most likely sink in water if it has low density?

No, an object with low density will likely float in water because it displaces an amount of water greater than its own weight. Objects with high density are more likely to sink because they displace an amount of water less than their own weight.

What is the difference between an objects that float and the objects thasink in water?

Objects that float in water are less dense than water, so they displace enough water to counteract the force of gravity pulling them down. Objects that sink are denser than water and displace less water than their weight, causing them to be pulled down by gravity.

Why do objects that float take out more water than objects that sink?

Objects that float displace more water than objects that sink because the buoyant force acting on the floating object is equal to the weight of the water displaced. This means the weight of the floating object is less than the weight of the water it displaces, causing it to rise and push out more water. Objects that sink do not displace as much water because their weight is greater than the weight of the water they could displace.

How do you find the volume of an egg?

Fill a cup to the brim with water. Put egg in water (it should sink), capturing all of the overflow of water. Measure volume of water. This volume will match the egg's volume. Sinking objects displace volume, floating objects displace mass.

When an object is placed in water it pushes the waterout of the way this called d?

This phenomenon is called displacement. When an object is placed in water, it displaces the water volume equal to its own volume, causing the water to be pushed out of the way to accommodate the object. This principle is used to determine the volume of irregularly shaped objects by measuring the amount of water they displace.

How do different sized and weight objects settle in water?

Objects which are less dense than water will float. Objects denser than water will float or sink depending on the volume of water that they displace and that will depend on their shape.

How can you predict if something will sink or float?

An object will float if it is less dense than the fluid it is placed in. If the object is more dense than the fluid, it will sink. You can determine this by comparing the density of the object to the density of the liquid it is placed in.

Examples of objects whose density is less than water's?

Objects like wood, oil, plastic, and cork have densities that are less than water, which is why they float when placed in water. Materials with lower densities than water displace less water than their own weight, causing them to float.