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Q: Determines how much food is broken down?
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What determines how much food is broken down?


What determines the healthiness of food?

The thing that determines the healthiness of food is how much nutrients it contains. It also is how much energy your body gets from it.

What are the factor to be consider on how much food should you eat?

Well, the factor that determines how much food you should eat is when you sit down to eat a plate of food you should stop when you feel you are full. However, if you eat too fast and too much you will regret it!!

What determines how much energy a human can receive from food?

A human gets energy from the calories of food. how much energy the food molecules have

What determines how much energy a human can receive?

A human gets energy from the calories of food. how much energy the food molecules have

How does food turn into food?

Food is broken down in a process called respiration. Enzymes are usually involved in the breakdown of food. Proteins are broken to amino-acids by protease, Carbohydrates broken down to simple sugars e.g fructose and glucose and Lipids (fats & oils) are broken down to fatty acids and glycerol by Lipase. Once they are broken down, they are taken to the cells where they're respired to produce Energy, Metabolic water and carbon-dioxide.

Why do we need to supply manure?

We can not absorb food from all we eat. If we eat a lot of fiber, that isn't broken down into much food and acts as a way to draw water into the large intestine to make moving the feces out easier. Other organisms can break down the rest.

How many pounds of food does and average adult eat a day?

It Depends. How much exercise you get, how old you are, and whether you are a girl or boy determines how much food a person eats.

The bloodstream receives much of the food which is dissolved in the small intestine true or false?

True. The bloodstream absorbs nutrients from the small intestine, where food is broken down and nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream to be transported and utilized by the body's cells.

Does alcohol have to be broken down by the digestive system?

No. Most is broken down by the liver if not too much is taken in at once. Some is lost through the kidneys, lungs and sweat.

What is photoautotrophic?

A photoautotroph is when an organism is able to create its own food from sunlight. Photo means light and troph refers to the word "feeder". When the word is broken down it is much easier to understand.

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