Ext cab 99 GMC sierra gross weight 6400lbs
Purchase a Hanes Manual on the 99-02 GMC sierra, & Chevy Silverado they average 17 bucks at your local Parts Dealer. that should tell you how to do all sorts of maintanance on your GMC.
Do you mean the fan for the heating & AC?
Have you tried oiling the hinges? 3-1 oil works
There is 2 of them on that engine and there both underneith the intake manifold. YOU MUST REMOVE THE INTAKE to get to them.
Trouble code P0507 means:Idle control system,RPM higher than expected
Trouble code P1345 means:Crankshaft position (CKP) camshaft position (CMP) correlation
knock sensor location is under the intake manifold you have to remove intake their is two knock sensors front and rear
I don't have a 99 GMC Jimmy
after removing the reservoir gently pry out the old pump and lube the o-ring for the new one with lite oil
If it's not a 4x4 / 4-wheel drive then it is on the rear tail shaft housing on the transmission. If it's a 4x4 then it will be on the tail shaft housing of the transfur case.
Check fuel regulator, pull vacum line off, if fuel runs out replace it. Not letting fuel return to tank causes to much in chamber