If the vehicle is equipped with a fuel injection system, it may be clogged. When a vehicle has fuel injection, the gas pedal does not need to be depressed to get it started. It sounds like the vehicle needs to be taken to a mechanic.
This happens rarely, but has happened to me a few times. What I have learned is, I depress the pedal and start it up again, and this seems to work (leave the pedal depressed and release when it starts up).
A dashboard light appearing when brake pedal is depressed usually means brake fluid is low.
The brake pedal has a hinge or pivot pin, give it a shot of lubricant,should stop squeaking.
Possibly the brake light switch at the brake pedal has stayed depressed or stuck.
The clutch has a safety switch that prevents the engine from starting unless the clutch is depressed. If you kicked the switch or a wire loose, this would caause a no start. Look for loose wires or componants near the clutch pedal and reattach as needed.
Check bulbs to make sure all are working
Check the switch adjustment on the brake pedal arm.
the brake light wiring often runs through the turn signal switch i would test power going in to the brake light switch on the pedal and power coming out when pedal is depressed if power is ok suspect turn signal or hazard switch
This is a fuel injected vehicle. if you touch the gas pedal to start it you could flood it. Maybe your wife starts it without touching gas pedal.
Check the proportioning valve.
Start the engine and then push the brake pedal down. If it is soft and easy to push then the booster is okay. If booster is BAD the brake pedal would be hard to push.
The clutch start switch is bad.you will find it at the top of the clutch pedal