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what do u mean not running right? is it miss firing, etc?

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Q: Car is not running right
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You cross the battery.

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as your standing in front of the car, on the right side of the engine bay, behind the exhaust running along the right side of the engine (again, as your looking at it from the front of the car.

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Right corner of the air manifold, you can hear it breath when the car is running.

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Yes..with some companies you can switch a rental car in the middle of the rental if the car is not running right or you find it necessary to upgrade to a larger more expensive car.

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yes but running a car on stands is very dangerous

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I did not witness a car running a red light.

Do i need to be worried about my safety?

If you vehicle warranty is running out, get car insurance that will help you in case you were to get in a crash. Just because your warranty is running out doesn't mean the car will right away fall apart it just means you will be responsible for any extra cost.

Can a broken negative wire keep the car from running?

It can keep the car, or some accessory in the car from running, depending where the break is.

When was Keep the Car Running created?

Keep the Car Running was created on 2007-03-19.

Why your car dies after running for a period of time?

car dies when running then hard to start ,if it will start