

Can you smell yourself

Updated: 10/22/2022
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βˆ™ 14y ago

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Actually, yes. Everyone can smell themselves! Unless you have a smelling problem.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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Q: Can you smell yourself
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well, if there's no cocoa butter in it then it will taste just NASTY

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Everybody smells. You just get used to yourself after a few years.

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shake some pepper in the air, and smell it

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if you use scented chandan powder u may smell good to bath

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By cutting yourself!! The blood attracts the vampires smell and will have them drooling for you!

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They are used to clean yourself and help you smell good.

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ask someone. there is no specific way to know yourself

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Either you peed on yourself, or you REALLY need to shower!

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Answer it yourself or die mwahahaha i know where you are i am wathing you

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Ammonia cartridges. Causes the release of adrenaline.

Does your period smell bad?

Well if you don't change your tampon/pad then yeahh. It's unhygienic to not clean yourself.. Dur. Of course it would smell bad.