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Your credit report will state that the vehicle was returned. It will still show a balance remaining once this vehicle is auctioned off. This is your best option, but it already has done it's damage to your credit report with missed payment. Also, this will affect your credit score monthly for the next two years from the date of last payment.

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Q: Can you return an auto without a repossession on your credit report?
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I have a car for 2 yrs now and is not fully paid but i want to return it will returning it affect my credit?

You can't just "return" a car. You can surrender it to the lienholder. This is called a voluntary repossession, and yes, it will affect your credit ... it's still a repossession, even though it was voluntary.What you could do without negatively affecting your credit is sell it or trade it in.

If you bought a used car and want to return it and buy a cheaper one will it ruin your credit?

What makes you think you can just return it. You can't. You bought it, you own it. Now if you are talking about doing a voluntary repossession, of course it will ruin your credit for 7 years. A repossession is a repossession, voluntary or not.

What is the credit score you start off with if you have no credit?

If you don't have credit, you **can't** have a score, since they are solely based on your use of your credit. The bureaus return a report saying "no credit information on file".

If you return a car to the dealership which financed it will it still be considered a repossession even if you have to pay off the balance?

YES, unless the LENDER decides not to report a repo to the CA.

Will it hurt if you voluntarily return my car?

Yes, it can still hurt your credit if you voluntarily return a car. The car company will still put the debt you owe on your credit report if they choose too.

How can you get your credit score report mailed to you?

Some credit reporting companies will mail you your report, but you may have to do some research to find which ones. I suggest you go to the government mandated credit report site and download the official request form, print it out and then fill it out and return it to the address indicated. It may take 4-5 weeks for processing and delivery.

Why is my unpaid judgement no longer showing on my credit report?

It is probably what is considered a write-off. It is probably to money consuming to pursue for the return.

If you have not paid the full down payment can you take the car back without it being considered a repossession?

Rachelle, try to make a deal with the lender to return the car without the repo. At least ASK them to do it. It is their choice.

What is the statute of limitations of a car repossession in Georgia?

Before your car payment is due, call the lender and ask for extra time. If you're at least a few months into the loan and haven't missed any payments, the lender will probably let you miss one or two months' payments and tack them on at the end. If you don't pay or make arrangements with the lender, the lender can repossess without warning, although many will warn you to give you a chance to pay what's due. If your car is repossessed, you can get it back by paying the entire loan balance and the cost of repossession, or, in some cases, by paying the cost of the repossession and the missed payments, and then continuing to make payments under your contract. If you don't get the car back, the lender will sell it at an auction almost always for far less than it's worth. In most cases, you'll owe the lender the difference between the balance of your loan and what the sale brings in. If you are far behind on your car payments and can't catch up, the truth is that you may not be able to afford the car. Under these circumstances, you should think about voluntarily "surrendering" your car before the dealer repossesses it. This strategy can save you expensive repossession costs and attorneys' fees. Because it also makes life easier for the dealer, you should try to get concessions from the dealer before you give up the car. A dealer will often waive its right to collect the amount left owing on the loan and/or promise not to report the default or repossession to credit bureaus. Try to get the dealer to agree not to report negative information to credit bureaus in return for your voluntarily surrendering the car. Negative information (such as a surrender, default, or repossession) will appear on your credit report for seven years, and will affect your ability to get credit in the future.

How can you return a new car that you have had for only two weeks without penalty?

Once you sign the papers, it is yours as soon as you drive it off the lot. You cannot return it and you cannot simply give it to the bank and get out of the loan - that is called voluntary repossession and it will hurt your credit. Sorry, there is no good news for you. The only thing you can do is sell the car for what you owe to another person or beg the car dealership to buy it back. Once you sign the papers, it is yours as soon as you drive it off the lot. You cannot return it and you cannot simply give it to the bank and get out of the loan - that is called voluntary repossession and it will hurt your credit. Sorry, there is no good news for you. The only thing you can do is sell the car for what you owe to another person or beg the car dealership to buy it back.

What happens if you dont return a vehicle under repo?

If you don't return a vehicle after it's put in repo status, it goes on your credit report as "Vehicle cannot be located." Once this is on your credit report, it's impossible to get refinancing for a new vehicle. The best thing to do after that is to file for a bankruptcy. The auto credit company will usually hire a investigator and they can file a lawsuit. But there is typically no criminal charges because, it's technically your vehicle.

Where did the word repo originate from?

Repo is a short hand for a repurchase agreement. In modern language it has also come to be shorthand for repossession which is similar but often without the promise of return payment.