You can. You only need to find a lender who is willing to give you a chance. Sometimes, if your credit history is too spotty, you may need to purchase at a "buy Here, Pay Here" lot. Or, you may be required to put up a significant down payment.
In Canada the interest rates for bad credit car loans range from 8% to 29% depending on your credit bureau report. With the increase of interest rate the banks and other lenders are usually willing to take on the risks.
Try finding a car dealer who specializes in financing car loans for people with very bad credit. The interest rate will be higher than normal.
There are many options for buying a car with bad credit. Some options for buying a car with bad credit include taking out a loan from a company and taking out a loan from a friend or family member.
If you have bad credit and no money you should not be looking at a loan. Get your life straightened out first. Cars are not required, good credit is.
First you should seek out your local bad credit car loan providers, and ask them to provide you the re-financing car loan. In this situation the normal lenders will most likely turn your down.
A car loan is considered a personal loan. While bad credit makes it harder to get any loan, individual car dealers decide whether they will allow a car loan with bad credit. A personal loan is an unsecured loan.
One can get an auto loan refinance with bad credit from several providers of this type of loan from such companies as, Road Loans, Get Me Car Finance and Midland Credit.
There are many places one can get a car loan with a bad line of credit. There are companies online that offer services in helping with bad credit, some of them include Easy Auto Lenders and Cars Direct.
There are many places one might go get a car loan if one had bad credit. One of the best options for anyone seeking a car loan would be one's financial institution.
If you have bad credit and want to apply for a car loan, be honest with the creditor. Let them know you have bad credit, but show that you have made consistent payments on particular bills recently.
You can obtain what they call a "Payday Loan" if you have bad credit. Just take along the title to your car and it will be used as collateral for your cash loan. Of course if you don't pay back the cash loan they get to keep your car.
A person cannot include someone's income on a car loan, without their bad credit affecting the outcome of the loan. If another person is placed on the car loan, that other person will also be run through a credit check. This includes cosigner applicants.
There are many bad credit car loan companies that may be able to help. These include Car Finance 247, the Bristol Car Finance company and Capital One Loans.