No, you have to have a license to finance a car in North Carolina. If you are not penalized for tickets, you can get your license in less than a day.
its very difficult to finance car with no credit if you have some bad credit then you have chance to get car finance.
The financing company Esanda Finance offers car financing, car loans, and novated leases. They are able to help over 400 customers a day with these services.
Washington's Birthday. There is no federal holiday called Presidents Day regardless of spelling.
They can litterally reposses your car 1 second after midnight the day after your payment is due.
It is spelled Presidents' Day.
Grammatically, Presidents' Day is NOT correct. The correct spelling should have no apostrophes at all as the day does not BELONG to the presidents, therefore it is not possessive.
It should not take very long to finance a car, depending on the car's model, condition, etc and also the finance company you are financing the car from.
My car was crashed and I lost my job. How do I return the finance car to the lender?
Yes, finance companies do it every day
Presidents' Day was February 18 in 2008.
find out another dealer who can finance your car.