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Yes, but you can not drive it.

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Q: Can you buy a car without a drivers license and insurance?
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Related questions

Do you have to get auto insurance when you get your license?

No. You need not get insurance when you get a drivers license, but you must get insurance when you buy your own vehicle

Can you buy liability insurance without a drivers license in Texas?

It depends on what type of liability insurance you need. Contact an agent in your area.

How do you get insurance without drivers licenses?

First, why would you need insurance without a drivers license? If you own a vehicle for some reason you can buy insurance on it as long as you are very truthful and list the drivers on the policy. You will be excluded as a driver and no coverage will apply if for any reason you drive the car.

Can you buy a car with temporary drivers license?

Yes you can buy a car with a temporary drivers license. You have to be able to get your car insured and show proof of insurance.

Do you need a drivers license to buy a car in NJ?

State laws may vary. You don't need to drive to buy. If you have money, insurance you can buy. May not be able to get state registration without a license.

Can you buy a car without a drivers license in DC?

you can buy a car with out a license in DC

Do you need insurance to pay a no car insurance ticket?

No, you don't need insurance to pay the ticket. However, Since almost all U.S. states these days will suspend your drivers license for having been found guilty of driving without insurance. You will need to buy insurance before you can get the drivers license suspension lifted.

In the state of Pennsylvania can you buy a new car get car registeration ani purchase car insurance without a driver's license?

In the state of Pennsylvania can you purchase a car with out a drivers license.

Can you buy a car in Florida without a drivers license?

yes, you don't have to have a drivers liscense to buy a car

How old do you have to be to buy car insurance?

As long as you have a valid drivers license, you can be insured.

Can you buy a car in Maryland without a drivers license?

Yes you can

Can you buy a car in Wisconsin without a drivers license?
