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Yes, This sounds exactly like what my 97 geo metro was doing. I replaced the fuel filter(thinking that was the problem, obviously it wasn't). Then I finally took it to someone who knew what they were doing and told me it was the fuel injector. I changed that and I haven't had a problem since. Sounds to me like it is definitely the fuel injector.

check the fuel pressure controller and the idle control valve, if one is messed up better to replace both as they go hand in hand.

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Q: Can the fuel injector cause a car to die?
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How do you tell if your car needs the fuel injector replaced?

I had a 1987 Pontiac Grand Am I found out that the injector needed to be replaced when the car would start for only a few seconds and the die out abruptly. The injector would only spray enough fuel into the throttle body in order to start it then would stop, the injector was located in the middle and above the throttle body making for an easy repair.

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A bad fuel cap can make your check engine light go on. It shouldn't cause your car to run rough or die.

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The most common cause for an engine to die out, while idling, is the idle speed is set to low. You can adjust the idle speed with the fuel injector vital screw.

Why would my car die on highway?

There are many possibilities. You could have clogged injectors, or even an intermittently bad fuel pump. try running injector cleaner through your car. Fill the gas tank to the top and put one bottle of injector cleaner in. Next time you fill up see if it solves the problem. If not, have the injectors cleaned, or the fuel pump and or filter looked at.

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broken fuel pump/ fuel filter can cause car to die right after starting. If the fuel pump is not pumping fuel into the engine, the car will stall.

Would an old fuel filter cause your car to stall out then start but die again when you put on the gas?


What would cause a 2003 Mitsubishi eclipse to die running down the road?

Check fuel pressure when the car idles.

Will a clogged fuel filter cause your car to start run for a second and die?

It sure will. When you suspect a clogged filter, replace it.

What could cause a car to die and not start back up even when you try to jump start it?

timing belt, out of fuel, fuel pump failure, loss of fire.

What would cause your engine to die when it decelerates quickly but idle just fine when it starts or decelerates slowly not fuel filter?

Sounds like a vacuum leak? try sticky egr valve YOu may want to check out your Ignition timing/ Carburetor or fuel injector.

Would a leak from the power stering cause a car to sputter or die at idle?

NO... You have other problems. Sounds like WATER is in the fuel.

1988 Chevy Cheyenne dies when put in gear?

If a 1988 Chevy Cheyenne dies when it is put into gear, check the fuel pump. If the fuel pump is not getting adequate fuel, it will cause the car to die.