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Q: Can the IRS tke your tax refund if your car is repossessed?
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Can the your income tax refund be garnished?

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How can I get my fed tax refund quickly?

I believe that the IRS has specific dates called the IRS Tax Refund dates for your federal IRS tax refund money. On the other hand, if you file your taxes electronically, you can receive your tax refund in as little as 10 days after filing electronically, according to the IRS.

Can the IRS garnish an income tax refund if money is owed from an audit?

Yes, the IRS can, and will, garnish an income tax refund if money is owed from an audit.

What happens when your income tax refund is garnished for debt?

So you were expecting a tax refund from the IRS after you filed a tax return. Insteasd of getting your refund, the IRS sent you a letter saying that your refund was used (garnished) to satisfy your back tax debt. What is going on? This means that you have a back tax liablility with the IRS and the IRS will take your refund to satidfy that debt. If you got your refund check garnished and you were unaware you owed the IRS, you need to take care of this situation fast. The IRS can start enforced collections against you and go as far as garnishment of your pay and levy your bank accounts. You can find out more at

Can IRS garnish tax refund for state taxes owed?

Yes if you are in the FMS offset refund tax program.

When do you pay sales tax on a used car from a dealer?

If you have not made you payments like you oulhsd, and the place you have the loan with has requested IRS to offset your refund, yes IRS will offset the refund and send you the difference if any remaining.

When can IRS garnish your tax refund?

An IRS refund can be seized for child support arrearages and/or tax arrearages. And in some cases for repayment of federally funded student loans.

When filing tax you owed money to the IRS instead of getting a refund when will you get your stimulis check?

Assuming you paid the tax, you'll get the refund according to the schedule on the IRS web site.

If you already have a payment arrangement with the IRS will they take your refund?

Yes, if you already have a payment arrangement with the IRS but have a refund due, they will take the refund. If you have a balance due, they will apply your tax refund to this balance.

How long does it take the irs to take there money you owe them Will my tax refund be offset even though the irs process my tax return?

Yes if you owe the IRS money your tax refund will be offset, and usually if they are aware that you owe them money, they will offset it immediately.

What does IRS tax code 826 mean?

IRS tax code 826 means that IRS tax refund will be offset to another year. This happens when there are back taxes owed.