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it is possible,depending on how long you ran it flat ,or how much damage you did to it running it flat
just plug it and see if it fixes it

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Q: Can a run flat tire that is punctured in the tread be plugged?
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Related questions

Can you buy something to fix a punctured tire?

Fix-a-Flat kits work on a very temporary basis. A punctured tire should be replaced.

What can happen with a flat tire?

A flat tire can lead to reduced tread wear and sometimes blowouts.

Will a tubeless tire get punctured?

A tubeless tire can get punctured but air will leak slowly.

Yes you should because when you drive its less chance you will get a flat tire.?

I recommend a highway tire for your best gas mileage. The strength of a tire is referring to the tread size, the larger the tread the larger the tire. Hence, the less gas mileage obtained.

What would cause a sound like a flat tire while driving if the tire is not flat?

Two things could cause the tire to make a noise sounding like a flat tire even though the tire is fully inflated. First, if the tire has a big enough flat spot on the tread surface and second if the radial plies in the tire have separated letting air between the belts causing patches of the tread surface to bulge.Answeri test drove a geo that had loose lug nits on it that made a noise like that

What is run on flat?

I believe you mean Run-flat they are tires that are designed to maintain the air pressure if the tire gets punctured but they only last for a certain amount of distance(depending on tire model)before they deflate

Why front end wobbles at lower speed?

most likely popped tire belt feel tire tread with flat palm slowly carefully for noticeable dip or bulge in tire tread if you feel anything noticeable then the tire has lost a steel belt inside junk. it happens.,..

What is the functiion of a tie bar in the tread of a tire?

It is an indicator of tire tread wear.

When a tire is pierced what is it called?


What is good tread wear on a tire?

it shouldnt have flat points and should have the same amount of tred left at every point

What would make a car feel like it is on a flat when it is not?

Quite possibly you have tread separation. The outer layer with the tread pattern is separating from the core. This is a serious problem, you need to replace the tire.

What are the causes of tire cupping?

A tire cupping can be caused by tread being lost. A tire cupping means that it should be replaced as soon as possible. You do not want a cupping tire to be used while you are driving. Air can escape and cause a flat.