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The Blower Motor Relay is shot! You have 2 one for high speed and one for low, they are located under the dash either in the center of the vehicle or off to the right more near the blower motor itself. In some trucks like my 93 Chevy C1500 the high and the low relay are the same part but in other trucks they are 2 different parts. If your stuck on high the low relay needs to be replaced and on stuck on low the high needs replacing. Happy fixing!

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Q: Blower motor works high speed only?
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If the one speed it works on is high speed, it is the blower motor speed resisitor that is bad.

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99% of the time, the blower motor relay, or resistor block,will be bad if the fan motor only works on high speed.

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If you are saying that the blower motor only works on the high speed setting, then the Blower Motor Resistor is defective and needs replacing.

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Most likely cause is a failed blower resistor.