Where are the vacuum hose located at on '97 Pontiac grand am? Where are the vacuum hose located at on '97 Pontiac grand am?
I need a vacume diagram for a 1994 Pontiac sunbirb with a 2.0 liter engine
It is important to have a diagram when making changes to the vacuum system of a car. The diagram to the 1998 Pontiac Grand Prix vacuum system can be found in its maintenance manual.
i found the diagram in the chiltons repair manual
The 2000 Pontiac Grand Am engine idle vacuum hose is located on the back of the injector fuel pump. A diagram of the vacuum hoses can be obtained from most General Motors dealerships.
You can get diagrams at www.autozone.com; look for the emissions diagrams for your engine make and year.
A diagram for the vacuum hoses on a 1997 Pontiac Sunfire is located in the service manual. It outlines where each hose goes and its function.
Most of the time you can find it right where the radiator is on the front end of the car. That is, if it survived all the engine washes, years of damage and wear and tear. Look... Here's a picture of my 1985 v8 305 Pontiac Parisienne Brougham vacuum diagram.
97 trans am vacuum schematics
I'm looking for a vacuum line diagram for a 94 grand prix
You can find a vacuum line diagram for your 85 Pontiac Fiero in the vehicle's owner's manual. You can also find it at different auto part stores.
A diagram of what? The electrical system, vacuum circuits, it would be good to know what you are referring.