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no spark, no start

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Q: 99 gmc sonoma crank positioning sensor what are symptoms of bad?
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Where is the crank sensor located on your 1995 eagle talon esi?

The crank positioning sensor is located on the opposite side of the block as the timing belt.

Where is the crank shaft position sensor on a 1999 Oldsmobile intrigue 3500 engine?

The crank shaft positioning sensor is behind the starter. A real bear to get to.

How fix 98 sonoma ignition no spark coil?

Check the Sonoma crank position first. If the sensor is bad then there will be no spark from the coil.

Where is the crank shaft positioning sensor located on a 94 ford probe?

2.0ltr its in distributer

2000 ford explorer will not crank it will turn over but won't crank?

problably your crank positioning sensor, on the front of motor, behind crank pulley. about a $40.00 dollar part. good luck

Where do if find the crank positioning sensor for a 2000 land rover discovery?

They sell them at Autozone for about $160.00

Where is the crank positioning sensor located on a Ford F150 with a triton v8?

in the front on side of the harmonic balancer

Replace crank position sensor 05 Nissan Altima?

Here is the link where you can see how to install Crank shaft positioning sensor with detail pictures.

Were is crank positioning sensor located on a 1991 dodge pick up?

The only engine speed sensor is the pick up plate in the distributor.

How do you know if your crank shaft sensor is bad?

One symptom of a bad crank shaft sensor is the car having trouble starting. The car stalling and backfiring are other symptoms of a bad crank shaft sensor.