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Start looking at fire and gas. Trace these two that are the main problems.

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Q: 96 Chevy s10 turns over but will not start Any ideas why?
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Check and clean your spark plugs that might be the problem.

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Check the Ignitor

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is it getting gas ? do you have spark?

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check and make sure you are getting spark to coils!!

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i would have the coil packs tested

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Possible bad crank sensor on the distributor, possible bad oil pressure swith.

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You need spark, fuel and compression. You must be missing one of those. The ignition module in the distributor may be the cause if you have no spark.

1994 Mazda pickup turns over but wont start?

turns over strong. might start and run for a couple of blocks but then dies.

97 Altima won't start it has spark and fuel It turns over but does not catch any ideas?

The distributor might need to be changed. The spark plug cables are connected to it.

What relay has to be changed for the car to start?

If the car turns over, gets gas and just will not start try the ignition module. CAR TURNS OVER