I'm not sure if you're describing that the transmission won't move the car past 10, or if the engine quits before you even reach 10. If it's the latter, try changing the fuel pump. Especially if you have never changed it. If it's the former, then it sounds like transmission. (I can't help you there)
Because that's how an engine runs. it can only ever rev up if you give it gas. no gas, no revs. more gas, more revs
It's not in gear.
The engine revs and car doesn't move.
Sounds like fuel flow or fuel pressure. Change the fuel filter and check for good fuel pressure
Revs - video game - was created in 1984.
Revs - video game - happened in 1984.
You replaced the MAP sensor and that seems to have fixed it. When it revs now does the service engine soon light come on? That would post a code which could be an indicator of why it revved now.
Does Jaguar 2005 s-type have acceleration problems. Mine tries to drive fwd at high revs when I am stopped at intersection with brake applied. I have to move selector to neutral and step on the gas pedal to bring revs back to normal.
yes the 327 was built in a small and large journal small journal revs up fast and spins rpms and large journal is stronger
Nothing funny here....bad clutch disc.
Rpms, revolutions per minute.