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change the head gaskets

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Q: 6.9 blowing white smoke and stalling out HELP?
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Why blow smoke back into a cigar after lighting it?

They aren't blowing smoke back. They are blowing air onto the glowing end to help it burn. The breath supplies a burst of oxygen that may be the difference between the cigar continuing to burn or going out.

Smoke from car?

The color of the smoke will help identify the problem. Blue smoke is engine or transmission oil. Black smoke, excess fuel. White smoke, engine coolant.

Why does a car engine smoke and smell?

It depends on what color of smoke and how it smells. The question is somewhat vague. However, if the smoke is white it is due to burning oil. Black is from burning gasoline. If the smoke is coming from the exhaust pipe then you either have leaking valves or oil is blowing past the piston rings, both are significant problems. If the smoke is coming from under the hood the most likely issue would be leaking valve covers or a leaking PCV valve. Hope this helps, if not give some specifics on the smoke and I can better help you.

I own a Nissan Pulsar hatchback 05 model the car was burning a lot of oil so i paid 3000 dollars for a new motor that includes labor to. new engine blows white smoke and the excuased does aswell?

Hey Depending on the model of the "new engine", if the exhaust is blowing white vapour then it is perfectly tuned. It depends on the thickness and your definition of "smoke", you can send me a mail on and give me more info on this and I will try to help you.

Does blowing weed smoke in a pillow work?

Blowing weed smoke into a pillow will not effectively mask the odor. The smell of smoke will still be present on the pillow and can linger for a long time. It's best to smoke in a well-ventilated area and use air fresheners or odor eliminating products to help reduce the smell.

What can cause white smoke from exhaust when heater is on?

I feel these are unrelated but you can investigate a leak in the hoses leading to the heater core as they maybe leaking onto the exhaust pipe, that would produce white smoke, but not from within the tailpipe exhaust. Water and oil leaks will produce white smoke the smell will help you determine which it is.

Could replacing the water pump cause white smoke in tailpipe?

if there is white smoke that is bad not as bad as black but still bad u need probley not work on ur car and seek perfesanal help..........for the car not u.........or maybe.

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What causes stalling in a 1995 dodge neon?

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How do smoke eaters help the environment?

A smoke eater will help the environment because it removes the toxins in the air that is produced by smoke from cigarettes or cigars. The smoke eater will remove the smoke and thus will reduce the smell that is absorbed into carpets and furniture.

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