61 liters is 2,062.66 US fluid ounces or 16.1 US gallons.
1 litre = 1000 millilitres so 61 litres = 61*1000 = 61000 ml. Simple!
there are approx. 293 ci. ther are 61 ci per liter.
6.6 Liters. Also, to figure out liters when you know the cubic inches, just divide the cubic inches by 61 to get liters. E.g., 400/61 = approximately 6.6 (liters)
That would be 8.26 litres - BIG!
That is 8.226 litres
14 liters, i think the conversion rate for liters to cubic inches is 1:61
Tons of what? It depends on the substance.
There are 444 cubic inches in a 7.3 liter powerstroke diesel. The measurement is 1 liter = 61 ci. Which makes a 7.3 = 445, but I am assuming that a 7.3 is a round off of 7.278 liters, since 7.3 is easier to say.
Approx 61 fl Oz (US).
divide 454 by 61 and you get 7.4 liter
4.2 + engine size in liters and ci = it in cubic inches. Craig