1 liter = 61.0237441 cubic inches
1 liter = 61.0237441 cubic inches == == == ==
8.1 liter = 494.29232717 cubic inch
One liter is equal to 61.0237 cubic inches. Therefore, a Ford 4.2-liter engine would be approximately 256 cubic inches.
294 cubic inch
about 366 cubic inch 1 liter equals about 61.02 cubic inches
the 5.7 liter Chevy engine is a 350 cubic inch
There need not be any water. 1 cubic inch = 0.0164 litres, approx.
Ford calls their 302 cubic inch a 5.0 liter and their 300 cubic inch inline six cylinder engine a 4.9 liter ( GM is closer when they call their 305 cubic inch a 5.0 liter )
1 cubic inch = 16.387064 cm3
Ford calls their 460 cubic inch V8 a 7.5 liter
1 cubic inch is equal to 0.016 litres.1 L = 61.0 in3