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I have a 2004 Pontiac Montana Van.. The air conditioner has always taken so long too cool off the van.. I am not to happy with the Pontiac cooling system anyway.. I realize it is a big vehical and it takes longer. It has been blowing warm air.. I took it in to a realible shop and found out that my freon is low.. They shot die into it and found a leak .. The shop called and said the quote was 1200.00 dollars to fix. The whole dash needed taken off and I think they said it was like a radiator for the air conditioner was leaking and only 3lbs of freon showing.. I hope I am relaying the correct way she had put it to me.. What do you think i should do .. Is that sound like a right quote to you . I am sure it is all labor. Need someone to give me advice

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Q: 2004 Pontiac Montana air conditioner problem blows warm air?
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