It came from the factory with R12 Freon. Due to the high cost of R12, I suggest you convert it over to R134. Any good A/C shop can do this. Remember, it is illegal to release refrigerant into the atmosphere. It is also illegal to add refrigerant to a system with a leak without first repairing the leak.
Unless it has been converted to R134, the OEM refrigerant installed in 1991 was R12 Freon. I suggest you have it converted to R134 if it has not already been done.
Originally R-12 Should be converted to R134
R134 _ Well Mine did
R134 (Source: '94 Accord Manual)
It came from the factory with R12. Unless it has already been converted which you will know by a sticker placed somewhere on the system, I would most definitely have it repaired and then converter over to R134. R12 is just too expensive to consider using.
what will replace R 134 refrigerant
it depends on the actual model Nissan pickup, but most vehicles made after 1994 take R134 refrigerant. The refrigerant type and amount is listed in the owner's manual.