It is 0.044
According to one of Fords websites :
The spark plug gap for the 4.0 liter V6 engine in a 1992 Ford
Aerostar is ( .054 inch )
* the .044 inch spark plug gap is for the 3.0
You have to remove the front wheels to gain access to the spark plugs.
How do you remove the rotors on a 1992 ford aerostar?"
which fuse triggers 1992 ford aerostar
Spark plug gap for a ford aerostar 3.0 is: .044 (In thousandths of an inch)
The most likely cause of a 1992 Ford Aerostar stalling while idling is bad spark plugs. The plugs should be changed and the timing checked to resolve the problem.
According to one of the Ford websites : The spark plug gap for the 3.0 L , V6 in a 1993 Ford Aerostar is : ( .044 inch )
where can i find a vaccum line diagram for a 1992 ford aerostar with a 3.0 engine
According to one of Fords websites : The spark plug gap for the 3.0 V6 in a 1993 Ford Aerostar is : ( .044 inch )
Yes it does.
check fuses
10-15 pounds.
.052-.056 ========================================================== The above answer is correct if you have the 4.0L V6 engine in your 1996 Ford Aerostar , but according to one of Fords websites if it is the 3.0L V6 the spark plugs are gapped at ( .044 inch )