There is a little circuit board on the back of the cluster that runs the tach, It is the usual cause of a non working tach. The ticking noise could be a loose timing chain.
Bad white wire
You will have to find the coil first.
The Avenger did not exist as a 1994 model.
my 94 has tach machined on the coil mine is a 4.6L
You could possibly have some common wiring or computer problems that affect the tach and transmission. Run a code check on the computer to see if any problems. show up.
Buy an instrument panel with a tach from a junkyard. The wiring is in place and is plug and play.
first port to the right of the input block where the coil and tach wires go in. looking down clockwise
in side dist under pickup coil
theirs a green wire by distributer that is for the tach
IF you have the installation instructions for the tach, it prolly tells you where to attach the tach wire. If not, call the manu. of the tach or search for their website online.