What type of floor mats came with the 1967 Buick GS?
Floor mats for 1967 Buick Special-Special
Deluxe-Skylark-GS340-GS400 Also California GS were all Rubber with
the White Buick Tri Shield and were color matched to the interior
of the car.
How many 1967 Buick skylark gold edition were made?
I know of no gold edition made in 1967. Buick did offer an
Olympic Gold edition of the 1996 Skylark to commemorate the 100th
anniversary of the Olympic Games.
How do you replace rear brake pads on a 1967 GM Truck?
1967 trucks did not have rear pads. They had brake shoes with a different technique of changing, Get a manual from the library. This is too complicated and important to explain here.
1967 buick sport wagon what color was the 340 engine?