No. Compound is not a compound word because if you try to separate it, you would get com & pound. Com is not a word (the com in a website does not qualify as a word).
A word like moonlight if the word would be life jacket that would be an example of a open compound word.
Icecap would be an example of a compound word containing the word cap.
Pencil is not a compound word. If you separated it you would get pen/cil. Cil is not a word, So pencil is not a compound word.
Pencil is not a compound word. If you separated it you would get pen/cil. Cil is not a word, So pencil is not a compound word.
The mayor would be inaugurated in january.
Coat rack would be the description, but it is 2 words not one compound word. I can't think of any compound word that would work.
There would be no hyphen, so the word is incoming, and it is a compound word.
A closed compound word is a type of compound word where the words are joined together without any spaces or hyphens, forming a single word. Examples of closed compound words include "classroom," "baseball," and "birthday."
No, it is a contraction.
"Mayor" is a Spanish word meaning "older", or as a military rank, "major". If you are speaking of the political chief of a town in English, the Spanish word for that would be "alcalde".
No, "forgot" is not a compound word. It is a simple past tense form of the verb "forget."