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Q: Which letter comes next in this series of letters b a c b d c e d f?
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In the series what letter comes next A D G J?


What letter comes next I J L O S?

IJLOS abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz IJ - skip 0 letters JL - skip 1 letter LO - skip 2 letters OS - skip 3 letters S? - skip 4 letters The next letter is X.

What is the next letter in series of a z e b i y o?

The answer is c, as you can see, though it is irrelevant, the letters a e i o... are all vowels, between them go the letters of alphabet backwards then forwards, z , b( because a has already been used), and y which comes before z... the next letter will be c which is after b, and after that would u.

Which letter comes next A C F J O?

The next letter is U A -> miss a letter (B) -> C C -> miss two letters (DE) -> F F -> miss three letters (GHI) -> J J -> miss four letters (KLMN) -> O and so on....

Which letter is next is next in the series k l r m n r o p r?

It looks as if every third letter is an "r"; the remaining letters are in sequence.

What is the next letter in the series of OTTSS?

The question is stated wrong.It should be: "What is the next letter in the series O T T F F ?", and the answer is " S ".These are the initial letters of the words: One Two Three Four Five, followed by Six.

In the following alphanumeric series what letter comes next H J F H D?


What is the next letter in the series A E F H I K L M N?

T (letters without curves)

What is the next letter in this series of ZOTTFFSS?

E. They are the initial letters of the numbers 0-7 in words: Zero, One, Two, Seven The next is 8 - Eight

What letter comes next BCDGJ?

QuestionWhat letter comes next in the sequence 'BCDGJ' ? AnalysisSequences are often arithmetic, but there does not appear to be an arithmetic sequence to this set of letters.The missing letters areA_ _EF_HI_ . Notice that all these capital letters are formed solely by straight lines, whereas _BCD_ _G_ _J are all formed, wholly or in part, by curved lines.A complete list of all 'straight-lined' letters in the English alphabet isA_ _EF_HI_KLMN_ _ _ _ _T_VWXYZ.ResultThe list of capital letters which have curved lines is_BCD_ _G_ _J_ _ _ _ OPQRS_U_ _ _ _ _.ConclusionThe letter letter that comes next in the sequence 'BCDGJ' is the letter O.

ASDFGHJ which letter comes next in the sequence?

K is the next letter of the middle row on a QWERTY Keyboard. It is 'K'; the letters are the second row of a standard QWERTY keyboard. ASDFGHJ is in a row on a QWERTY keyboard and the next letter in the row is K

What letter comes next a d e h i?

The obvious one is "L" as you start with A then add 3 letters = D, then add 1 letter = E, then add 3 letters = H, then add 1 letter = I, then add 3 letters = L.