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Q: What will happen if you mix sprite with alka setter?
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What would happen if you mixed alka-selter with rubbing alcohol and sprite?

Mixing Alka-Seltzer with rubbing alcohol and Sprite can be extremely dangerous. Rubbing alcohol is toxic if ingested and can cause serious harm, including respiratory failure. Combining it with Alka-Seltzer, which contains aspirin, can further increase the risk of complications such as gastrointestinal bleeding. It is important to never mix medications and toxic substances, as the combination can be life-threatening.

Are sprite and sprite with no caffeine one and the same?

No sprite has no caffeine. On the slip around the sprite bottle says NO CAFFEINE.Thx,WildComet on Horse Isle 1

What 2 dogs you mix with to get a Irish setter?

An Irish Setter, and an Irish Setter...

What would happen if you mix non prescribed children's cough syrup with sprite?

You would get super messed up.

What happens when you mix soda and alka seltzers?

it will explode

What happens when you put alka-seltzer in vinegar?

When you put Alka-Seltzer in vinegar, a chemical reaction occurs. The citric acid and sodium bicarbonate in the Alka-Seltzer combine with the acetic acid in the vinegar to produce carbon dioxide gas. This gas is released as bubbles, causing the mixture to fizz and bubble vigorously.

What is a Irish setter poodle mix called?

An Irish doodle

Why do sprite and pixie sticks explode?

its called chemical reaction when u mix up the pixie sticks which has sugar mix with sprite that has chemical that a high presure fizz it will mix and explode

Does sprite float on water?

No. Sprite is made up of 99 % water and 1 % syrup. It will mix.

Is it bad to mix Pamprin and alka-seltzer?

It makes you really drowsy.

What happens when you mix salt and sprite?

When you mix salt with Sprite, the salt will dissolve in the liquid. The reaction will not produce any harmful effects, but it may slightly alter the taste of the Sprite by making it slightly saltier.

Can you take sudafed and alka seltzer cold plus?

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